Collagen Powder with Wild Blueberries
Collagen Powder with Wild Blueberries by Puhdas +. Viscollagen is a protein isolated from fish. Collagen makes up 30% of the protein in the human body and is mainly found in the skin. Around about age 25, the body begins to lose the ability to produce new collagen.
Puhdas + products are high-quality, domestic dietary supplements from Finland. No additional ingredients such as preservatives, dyes and finishes are used in the manufacture of our products.
What exactly is collagen?
Collagen is derived from the Greek word Colla, which means glue or bind together and the suffix -gen, which means produce. Collagen is quite strong and very stretchy, which makes it difficult to break. So you can think of collagen as the glue that holds the body together. It is an important glue-forming protein that is present in our body. Collagen plays a very important role for a lot of organs throughout our body, because our bones, joints, muscles, nails, connective tissue and our skin are all made up of collagen. Our body makes this itself, but unfortunately after about the age of 25, its production begins to decline more and more. From the age of 30, collagen production actually decreases by about 1% per year. But additional factors such as the sun, smoking and certain foods also cause the breakdown of collagen fibers in the skin.
Want to know more about collagen? Then read this interesting and informative blog post about Collagen
Blueberry or Blueberry
During World War II, blueberries were particularly popular with pilots. Pilots regularly took blueberries to improve their eyesight in twilight. Wild blueberries contain flavonoids, hydroquinone, sodium, neomyrtillin, manganese, malic acid, iron and ursolic acid. A Scandinavian university called the blueberry the most important of all the plants studied because strong antioxidant effects were discovered in it.
The blueberry or wild blueberry ( bilberry ) grows on low bushes in the forest. The fruit is colored dark blue throughout. Wild blueberries are smaller than blueberries and the leaves turn fire red in autumn. Blueberries also need few additional additions, as they have a delicious taste all by themselves. Blueberries are sweet, nutritious and hugely popular. Blueberries are true Superfoods, they are low in calories and incredibly good. They are so delicious and convenient that many people consider them their favorite fruit. Wild blueberries from Pure Nordic are of the highest quality from the far north of Scandinavia.
Vitamins and antioxidants in Blueberries
Blueberries contain a huge amount of vitamins, antioxidants ánd yet low in calories. Furthermore, the blueberry contains tannins, pectin, cellulose and vitamins B1, B2, B3, C and beta-carotene and another host of minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, boron, silicon and selenium. The most well-known antioxidants are Vitamin C & Vitamin E and have a protective function for the body. Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals are formed during the body’s metabolic process, which produces energy. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid is one of the best known vitamins, it acts as an antioxidant in the body, protecting your body cells from damage. It is needed for the formation of connective tissue, absorption of iron and maintaining resistance.
Usage of Collagen Powder with Wild Blueberries :
1-2 tablespoons per day. The collagen powder can be mixed with a glass of water, juice, yogurt, etc. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. The dietary supplement is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children.
Hydrolyzed fish collagen, wild blueberry juice powder. Free of lactose, yeast and gluten. Free of sugar, salt, starch, corn and soy. Dietary supplement.
Puhdas Plus is a Finnish, innovative company focused on offering pure, organic and ecological health and wellness products to Scandinavian and European customers. We base our products on the latest and most reliable developments in the industry. We work with shareholders and organizations in the various health products industries. Our mission is “Delivering pure health. Our values : Honesty, purity, ecological and organic products & trust
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