Wild blueberry juice 500ml
Wild Blueberry Juice 500ml from Pure Nordic is made from 100% hand-picked wild blueberries from Finnish Lapland. Blueberries are a vitamin bomb and rich in antioxidants. A true superfood from the nature of Scandinavia! Blueberries ( wild blueberries ) from Pure Nordic are hand-picked and of the highest quality from the far north of Scandinavia! Blueberries also need few additional additions, as they have a delicious taste all by themselves. However, blueberries and other Berries contain more vitamins, antioxidants and phenolic compounds than any other product in the plant world. Berries also contain less sugar than fruit and do not contain lactose or gluten. Wild Blueberry Juice is the highest quality and best blueberry juice on the market
What makes our wild berries so special and unique?
Finland has a unique combination of an exceptionally pure environment, extremely cold and dark winters and warm summers with lots of sunlight. This combination of factors gives our berries a distinctive character not found anywhere else in the world.
Organic Blueberries vs Wild Blueberries
Wild Blueberries, the name says it all. They are berries that grow in the wild and thus are not cultivated. Why are wild blueberries better versions of organic blueberries? They are hand-picked amid the pristine nature of Finland, far away from the hustle and bustle of big cities, traffic and people. Finland is known for its unprecedentedly clean nature and water, making it among the cleanest in the world.
The difference between blueberries and blueberries?
The Blueberry is s a plant and grows on a shrub with a height of 1.5 to 2.5 meters. The blue best blooms in clusters on a flower with a white-cream to pink color. The berries are large, the berry is tasteless and the juice is colorless. Blueberries words mainly grown by people in greenhouses. The blueberry – vaccinium in Latin grows on low bushes in the forest. The fruit is colored completely dark blue. Wild Blueberries are smaller than blueberries, have a darker color and the juice is deep blue. Wild Blueberries have a very nice sweet taste, they are nutritious and hugely popular. Blueberries contain flavonoids, hydroquinone, sodium, neomyrtillin, manganese, malic acid, iron and ursolic acid. Blueberries are true superfoods from nature. Want to know more about wild blueberries? Then read this interesting and informative blog post
The most well-known antioxidants are Vitamin C & Vitamin E and have a protective function for the body. The best way to get enough antioxidants is through a wide variety of healthy foods. These are found, for example, in chocolate, nuts, whole grain cereals, olive oil, berries, seafood and poultry. Good sources of antioxidants are grapes, dried plums, pomegranate, raisins, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, beets, eggplant & red onions.
Buy highest quality blueberry products?
Choose Pure Nordic and go for absolutely the highest quality blueberry products directly from Scandinavia! Pure Nordic’s wild blueberries are hand-picked directly from the nature of Finland. One of Pure Nordic’s most popular superfood products is the Wild Blueberry Powder
Ingredients wild blueberry juice 500ml / blueberry juice:
100% wild blueberry juice, blueberries are hand-picked in Finland
Nutritional value / 100 g Blueberry juice:
- Energy (kJ), 243 /kcal 56
- Fat (g), 0.6
- Carbs (g), 13.3 of which 7.5g were sugars
- Protein (g), 0.8
No added sugars, noadditives, gold pressed,
Use of Wild Blueberry Juice 500ml:
Mix to taste with water or another beverage. You can also add the blueberry juice to a smoothie or to oatmeal, for example. Stays open for about 4-5 weeks in the refrigerator.
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